Labels:text | compact disk | circle | data storage device | cd | dvd | label OCR: SiliconGraphics Computer Systems U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND - Unpublished: use, duplication of diobloodre of the Software on this IRIX® 6.5.4 Base Documentation May 1999 This CD requires no installation. This CD can be viewed using IRIX 6.2 through IRIX 6.5.4. The content of this CD can be viewed/accessed when the CD is mounted. IWEOT> Format: ЕЗГТИК- 812-0779-004 ISO-9660 (file system) Sequence No .: 999 Notes: Copyright 1998-99 - No Installation Tools Silicon Graphics, Inc. - Contains User-Mountable All Rights Reserved. Filesystem Date released: 05/99 FAR 52.227-19 (C) (2) andor in Similar or successor clauses in the FAR or other applicable Government Procurement regulation e of the software on this CD by the Government is subject to the restrictions in FAn St.LE7-19 (c) (z) and/or in sin